Three Ships #HerHustle Interview with Nulink Media Founder, Nicole Athanasopoulos

What inspired you to start Nulink Media?
The inspiration started with my upbringing, I grew up in an environment that valued independence and hard work. My parents and grandparents were small business owners and showed me from a young age what it was like to walk the path of entrepreneurship, the good and the bad. By the time I was finishing University, I had my heart set on starting an agency that would create exceptional brand experiences. Nulink Media was borne out of my love for people and events. Living in a digital age, it’s important now more than ever for brands to connect with their audience face to face, in real life. I’m continuously inspired to find new ways our clients can connect to their audience in meaningful ways.
What does your typical day look like?
On any day of the week, a lot of my time is spent at my desk, behind my computer. I’m usually working from our office, connecting with clients, new hires and the occasional industry related workshop or event. After work, I love to unwind by relaxing at home, taking a yoga class or having dinner with friends. Not everyday is a perfect balance, some days I’m glued to my computer, all day, all night or I’m on site at an event helping with execution.
What was the worst piece of advice you’ve ever received?
I’ve received ‘bad advice’ in the context of advising me to play small. A lot of people will want to offer ‘advice’ that’s not conducive to your growth. In the end, even if you have the best professional network and mentors, only you truly know what’s best for yourself and your business. When doubters and negative people come around with bad advice, I always remind myself how far I’ve come without their help or opinions.
"Success is making a positive difference in other people’s lives."
What does success mean to you?
Success to me is internal peace and having the ability to impact, empower and give back to others. To me, the most rewarding feeling is knowing I’ve helped to uplift someone, even in the slightest way. Success is making a positive difference in other people’s lives.
In moments of self-doubt or adversity, how do you build yourself back up?
Self doubt and adversity is inevitable, especially when you’re building a company. I lean on the people around me that I know love me. My family, my friends, my partner, they’re my true support system. Other times when I want to be alone, an exercise class like soulcycle or yoga can really help to uplift me.
Do you have any morning routines or evening rituals to help you stay balanced?
This is something I’m still experimenting with, I aim to start everyday with a meditation and journal entry, it gets me in the right headspace to start my day. In the evening, I’m usually preparing for the following day by updating my to do list and listening to a podcast or video from someone I’m inspired by like Oprah, Tony Robbins, or Jaclyn Johnson.
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